Welcome, Michelle! Tell us a little about yourself.

How long have you been writing? How many books do you have published?
I’ve been writing since I discovered Crayolas and blank wall space. For publication, however, about the past 6 or 7 years. I have one full-length novel published, GALLIMORE, and several scripts and devotionals published in various other compilations.
If you compared your writing style to any other Christian Fiction author, who would it be? Also, how would you rate the romance in your books?
Wow. That’s a toughie. I aspire to write like Ginger Garrett or Siri Mitchell. There’s some violence in GALLIMORE (come on…it’s medieval) but only 2 actual kisses so could we invent a G+ rating for romance?
In your own words tell us a little about Life Savors for Women.
This is a collection of true stories meant to inspire. Some are quirky (raising my hand) and some heart rending, but all are entertaining with an underlying Biblical truth. My story is the first in the book, which is both humbling and exciting. I tell the tale of my horrible acting debut when I played the part of Mary discovering the empty tomb.
And if I may be so bold as to put in a shameless short plug for GALLIMORE, it’s a Wizard of Oz tale with a medieval twist.
Official Blurb:

Life Savors for Women will offer you hope, comfort, and even some heart-tugging messages. In this book, you will find large helpings of smiles and encouragement—flavored with love and served with plenty of inspiration. Come savor all that life has to offer with three dozen women who want you to live life to the fullest.
What made you want to write this story?
As a main character on stage in front of hundreds of eyeballs, forgetting my lines was such an emotionally scarring…I mean spiritually challenging experience that I just had to share.
What research did you have to do for this book?
Personal experience, unfortunately.
Who would you pick to play the lead roles if this book was made into a movie?

What are you working on now or going to write next?
Currently I’m half-way through a historical set in 1795 England (surprise, surprise). The hero is an opium addict and the heroine lives with her brother who’s going mad.
I’ve also got a finished manuscript I’m shopping around that’s a time travel back to the Viking age.
How can readers get in contact with you?
I love to hear from readers. Check out my website at http://www.mmgriep.com/
What are you currently reading?
Right now my bookmarks are in: The Silent Governess by Julie Klassen, The Raven Saint by Marylu Tyndall, and Bleak House by Charles Dickens.
Tell us something surprising about yourself that readers may not know.
Well, besides the whole indecent exposure incident while tubing down the Apple River, I’m going to go with my mother was a hamster and my father smelled of elderberries—name that movie. Plus I cannot return a library book on time to save my life.
If you could be any animal, which would you choose? Why?
No brainer. Dog. Love ‘em.
TV show, and/or movie?
Hands down it’s got to be The Count of Monte Cristo.
Place to go on vacation?
I’m pretty sure you can guess this one. Yep. England.
Book this year or month? Why?
Yikes! There’s so many. To avoid a popularity contest amongst my writing buddies, I’ll go with an oldie that I recently read. I finally got around to Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, this past summer. It’s a title that’s been on my to-be-read pile for years, and now I wish I would’ve read it sooner. Excellent read. Couldn’t put it down. Read it in a day and a half—and that’s only because I was at an amusement park with my kids for the day so I was slightly distracted. Makes you think about the state of bureaucracy and government and who we allow to tell us what is truth and what is not.
Release dates?
Life Savors for Women was released in late 2007.
Gallimore, my novel, was released in late 2008.
*Giveaway open to any country*
Okay readers, here is your chance to win an autographed copy of Life Savors for Women!
To enter:
*Leave a comment with your name and email address (so I can contact you if you win).*Please specify that you want to be included in the contest!
*If you want an extra entry, become one of my followers.
*The comment is mandatory. (Please, say in the comment if you are a follower!! It makes my job easier when you do.) You will not be entered unless you leave a comment. If you are already a follower, and then you leave a comment, you will still get two entries in the contest.
*The contest will run from today (Jan. 1) until 10:30 CST on Thursday (Jan. 7). I will announce the winner that night. The winner is always randomly drawn. I will contact the winner on Friday the 8th, and then that person will have one week to reply. If the winner doesn't reply within that time period, I will pick a new winner.
Good luck! Thanks for visiting.
Hi Carman & Michelle! Happy New Year!
Thanks for this great contest!
I am a follower.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Hi Ladies,
Thank you for having this giveaway and for entering my name.
I am a follower.
Please enter me in the drawing. I am already a follower. Thank you very much.
Love to try this book, and would love to read the time travel one to the Viking Age as well.
Name: Johannah
Email: 1prizewinner(st) hotmail(dot) com
If I had enough copies, I'd make you all winners! Thanks for the opportunity to share, Carman, and thanks for the comments, readers!
I'm still trying to get my 20 new-to-me-authors for my challenge!
Please enter me!
i'm a follower!
Carmen sent me. I would like to be in the contest. THis was a great interview; I enjoyed 'seeing' into the author's character.
shelley c
freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net
Happy New Year...
please enter me...thanks.
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Thanks for this great contest!
Work from home India
Hey, I would really like to be entered for the drawing of this book! ih823putt@cox.net. Thanks :)
Happy New Year,
Please enter me. I am a follower.
This book sounds interesting to me.
Please enter me. I am a follower.
Oh, yes please enter me. I've read Michelle's GALLIMORE book. I'd love to win this book.
I'm a follower and a subscriber.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
please include me in this contest
copperllama at yahoo dot com
copperllama at yahoo dot com
Please include me in this contest, I'd love to read this book.
Would love to try. Thanks. Not a follower yet (new to this stuff ;-) ).
Hi Carman -
Sounds great; please enter me!
Thanks -
Please stop by my blog - there's a current book giveaway for Ronnie Floyd's new book!
Forgot to mention I am a follower.
Thanks - Andrea
Please, include me in the contest! Thanks.
Thanks for the chance to win!
mannasweeps (at)))) gmaildotcom
I follow
mannasweeps (at))) gmaildotcom
I hope more readers discover you. Your novels always have such juicy descriptions!
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