Welcome, Lisa! Tell us a little about yourself.

I live with my husband and three children in Mozambique where we are involved in a church-planting ministry. I’m also a home-schooling mom, so life is busy but good.
How long have you been writing? How many books do you have published?
I started writing just after my oldest son was born. At first, I just wanted to finish a book, but the more I wrote the more I wanted to learn about the process and actually sell a book. Twelve years later, I’ve now sold twenty books. It’s been an amazing journey.
If you compared your writing style to any other Christian Fiction author, who would it be? Also, is your writing sweet, warm, etc. (in terms of romance)?
It’s hard to compare my writing style, but with the series I’m currently working on, I’d love to be a combination of Dee Henderson and Terri Blackstock. And while Love Finds You in Revenge, Ohio is a historical, I always like to include a mystery or suspense line to my stories.
In your own words tell us a little about Love Finds You in Revenge, Ohio.
I always love the brainstorming process of writing a new story. I first got to know Catherine Morgan, a matriarchal figure who has spent her life taking care of her three sisters to fulfill a promise to her mother on her deathbed. She’s also a twice-jilted spinster, who’s given up on love, which I, of course, had to remedy. Once I got to know her, I added the hero, a former love interest, and a whole lot of pride and resentment to up the tension.

What made you want to write this story?
Originally, I was interested in using a storyline that included a young woman who worked as one of the first telephone operators in the late 1800’s. In small towns, these women often knew everything that was going on, shared recipes and weather reports, or simply chatted. What would happen, though, if they overheard something they shouldn’t have. . .like plans for murder. I took this idea as a jumping off place, added the thread of revenge, and the story began to unfold.
What research did you have to do for this book?
I literally spent hours and hours researching for this story. Living overseas can be a challenge when it comes to visiting a setting, as I know some of the other authors of this line were privileged to do. And while there is little information on the now ghost town of Revenge, I’m thankful for the Internet that allows me to research to my hearts content.
Who would you pick to play the lead roles if this book was made into a movie?

What are you working on now or going to write next?
I’m currently writing an international suspense series for Zondervan.
Here’s the blurb for book one, Blood Ransom that will be released in March:
Deep in the heart of Africa, two American lives are about to change forever. Natalie Sinclair and Dr. Chad Talcott want to make a difference in under-developed African villages … but they didn’t count on risking their lives in the process. Romance and adventure drive this powerful thriller about the modern-day slave trade and those who dare to challenge it.
How can readers get in contact with you?
I love to hear from my readers! You can visit my blog at http://myblogintheheartofafrica.blogspot.com/ or my website http://www.lisaharriswrites.com/
What are you currently reading?
Scared by Tom Davis. It’s a contemporary novel set in Swaziland.
Tell us something surprising about yourself that readers may not know.
In spite of the fact that I’ve traveled all over the world, I really don’t like to fly. At all.
If you could be any animal, which would you choose? Why?
I guess a leopard, because I saw my first one in the wild this year and it was graceful and so beautiful.
TV show, and/or movie?
We don’t have television in Africa, so I don’t even know what shows are on anymore. And while I don’t watch many movies either, I do enjoy old classics and a good romantic comedy or suspense, and some sci-fi series.
Place to go on vacation?
I love spending time in the Africa bush on safari. We live close to Kruger National Park and it’s become my favorite quiet retreat because of all the incredible wildlife there.
Book this year (or month if you’ve read too many to remember)? Why?
I’d have to say the Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner. I loved the combination of historical and contemporary and how she brought to life young Mercy through the pages of a diary.
This book released August 2009.
**USA residents only please**
Okay readers, here is your chance to win a copy of Love Finds You in Revenge, Ohio! To enter: Leave a comment with your name and email address (so I can contact you if you win), and please specify that you want to be included in the contest! *If you want an extra entry, become one of my followers.* The comment is mandatory. (Please, say in the comment that you are a follower!! It makes my job easier when you do.) You will not be entered unless you leave a comment. If you are already a follower, and then you leave a comment, you will still get two entries in the contest. The contest will run from today (Nov. 6) until 10:30 CST on Thursday (Nov. 12). I will announce the winner that night. The winner is always randomly drawn. I will contact the winner on Friday the 13th, and then that person will have one week to reply. If the winner doesn't reply within that time period, I will pick a new winner. Good luck! Thanks for visiting.
Hi, Lisa! What an interesting life you lead, and your observations must offer great input into your writing. Were your children born outside the states?
Please enter me in the contest. I am a follower.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
How awesome it must be to live in Africa! Great interview!
LFY in Revenge Ohio sounds so good! I would love to read Corbin and Catherine's story please enter me!
xoxo~ Renee
WOW...Africa! That's awesome!
Corbin Hunter is an excellent name for a sheriff...it just sounds rough & tough...ya know? I love Benjamin Browder as Corbin. *sigh* I'm so excited to read this book!
Please enter me, Carman, and I'm already a follower. :p
Thank you,
~ Lori
Thanks for the interview, Carman, and thanks for stopping by ladies!
My kids were all born in the US, Virginia, but we move to Africa not too long after my youngest was born. We love it there, and feel blessed to be able to serve God in such a beautiful place.
Oh, I'd love to win Lisa's book. Yes, I'm a follower too. Thanks
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
My name is Rachelle. I would love to be entered to win this book. (: I am a follower too.
This book is one of the many on my wish list so I would love a chance to win it. :) Oh-I'm a follower
Thank you!
sundaisy920 at gmail dot com
Great interview btw. :)
You have bloomed into quite the writer. Congrats on your success !
I am a follower and look forward to you next book. You are such a inspiration with your work in Africa. praying for your continue work and teacjing others about God.
It was great to learn more about this author and her adventures in Africa. Please enter me in this contest. I'm also a follower!
Thanks for offering a great giveaway! :)
Thanks so much for the sweet words, prayers and encouragement. I'm thankful for the chance to connect with all of you!
Africa...That is awesome. My son is going there is summer on a missions trip. Looking forward to reading this book.
Please enter me into the giveaway...I am a follower.
Hey, my name is Katie and I would love to be enetered in the drawing for this book. email is popstardiva228@cox.net. Thank you again!
I'm sorry I forgot to add that I'm a follower for my extra entry!
xoxo~ Renee
Carman, thanks for having the give-away. The interview was very interesting and fun to read :)
The bood sounds amazing. I would like to be entered for the drawing. Thanks again! love you! :)
haha. forgot my email. silly me ;)
hey it's Raquel and I would love to be in the giveaway. and I'm a follower.
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