Welcome, Daniel! Tell us a little about yourself.
Well, I’m an author and pastor in the Chicago suburbs. I pastor Gages Lake Bible Church. I’ve also written extensively for a variety of Christian publications, including Focus on the Family. I have a beautiful wife, Angela and three children. (actually two and one on the way at the end of December)
C- That is awesome! Congratulations! :-)
How long have you been writing? How many books do you have published?
I’ve been writing for about 11 years. For 9 years I worked as an editor for a large Christian media ministry. Besides Teen People of the Bible, I’m the author of Crash Course, it’s another 100-day devo coming out in the Summer of 2010. I’m working on a third book, Instant Messages, Prayer for the Blackberry Generation to be released in 2011.
In your own words tell us a little about Teen People of the Bible.

The idea behind this book is to encourage young people to get into the Word by seeing their own stories on its pages.
What made you want to write this devotional?
I had a real desire to help young people get into the Word. I was a Christian young person and I knew I had to read the Bible, but I often opened it up and thought that it was only speaking to old people with gray beards. What this book does is encourage teens to live for God right now, that God has a plan for their lives in high-school.
What research did you have to do for this devotional?
I really researched the Bible characters, especially their young years. I love that type of study, it really encouraged my faith.
What are you working on now or going to write next? Or do you even plan to write anything else?
I just finished Crash Course, Forming a Faith Foundation for Life. This is a 100-day devotional that covers the five most important areas of a young person’s life. The idea behind this book is to give teens a “crash course” on what life is all about. I’m really excited about this book. Right now I’m working on a book entitled, Instant Messages. It’s a unique look at prayer. That will be out in 2011.
How can readers get in contact with you?
The best way is to go to my website: danieldarling.com. They’ll find my links to Facebook and other ways to contact me.
Also, you can sign up for Dan's weekly devo on Crosswalk.com HERE.
Tell us something surprising about yourself that readers may not know.
I’m a huge huge sports fan. I participate in a fantasy football league. I love the NFL and baseball (Cubs) and the NBA.
If you could be any animal, which would you choose? Why?
I’d be an eagle. I love the way they majestically soar in flight.
Teen People of the Bible released in October of 2007.
**USA residents only, please**
Okay readers, here is your chance to win one of two copies of Teen People of the Bible! To enter: Leave a comment with your name and email address (so I can contact you if you win), and please specify that you want to be included in the contest! *If you want an extra entry, become one of my followers.* The comment is mandatory. (Please, say in the comment that you are a follower!! It makes my job easier when you do.) You will not be entered unless you leave a comment. If you are already a follower, and then you leave a comment, you will still get two entries in the contest. The contest will run from today (Nov. 13) until 10:30 CST on Thursday (Nov. 19). I will announce the winner that night. The winner is always randomly drawn. I will contact the winner on Friday the 20th, and then that person will have one week to reply. If the winner doesn't reply within that time period, I will pick a new winner. Good luck! Thanks for visiting.
YAY!!! I've been waiting for this giveaway!!! Raquel(me) would absolutely LOVE to be entered into this giveaway.
my e-mail is rockelly555[at]yahoo[dot]com
hey it's Raquel again, I forgot to say that I'm a follower! :)
I'm looking forward to being in this giveaway.
here's my e-mail one more time.
Hey Carman,
Thanks for posting another great giveaway! I have been looking for a good devotional and I'm so excited about this book.
I'm a follower:~)
Love Y'all,
P.S. If I don't win this book, it's going straight on my wish list!:~)
Sounds like a great devotional.
This is Cat, btw and my e-mail address is catz_meow@cox.net . I'm a follower!
Sounds like a great book. This is Hannah Berner
I'm Hannah Berner an my email is Hannahblue@cox.net
And I am a follower
Sound like a great book. This is Rachelle and I would love to be entered to win. I am also a follower (:
This sounds like a great read, and I would love to be entered in the drawing for this book. :) Unfortuetly ...I am not a follower :( but that is ok! :)
Hi my name is Amy and I would like to be entered in the contest.
I'm not a follower yet.
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